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Incorrect parameter count in the call to native function 'RADIANS'SQL-Server meldet: Incorrect parameter count in the call to native function 'RADIANS'
SQL: SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS modul_locations.* ,( SELECT COUNT(a.event_id) AS count FROM modul_events AS a LEFT JOIN modul_location_event_helper AS b USING(event_id) WHERE a.event_public = 1 AND (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(a.event_end) > UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW())) AND b.location_id = modul_locations.location_id ) AS events_count ,( SELECT COUNT( AS count FROM modul_location_event_helper AS leh LEFT JOIN modul_mediagallery_albums AS ma ON ma.event_id = leh.event_id WHERE leh.location_id = modul_locations.location_id GROUP BY leh.location_id ) AS gallery_count ,ACOS( SIN(RADIANS(location_lat)) * SIN(RADIANS()) + COS(RADIANS(location_lat)) * COS(RADIANS()) * COS(RADIANS(location_long) - RADIANS()) ) * 6380 AS distance , AS logo_name, media.folder AS logo_folder, media.filename AS logo_filename, REPLACE( CONCAT( '/projects/', location_project_id, '/files/userfiles', media.folder, media.filename ), '//', '/') AS logo_uri FROM modul_locations LEFT JOIN media ON ( = modul_locations.location_logo) LEFT JOIN kategorien ON ( WHERE 1=1 AND location_project_id = 159 AND modul_locations.location_public = 1 AND location_lat !='' AND location_long!='' AND ACOS( SIN(RADIANS(location_lat)) * SIN(RADIANS()) + COS(RADIANS(location_lat)) * COS(RADIANS()) * COS(RADIANS(location_long) - RADIANS()) ) * 6380 < 55 ORDER BY distance DESC LIMIT 0, 10
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Ute Becker, Heilpraktikerin für Physiotherapie

Ute Becker

Pastor-Niemöller-Platz 8
13156 Berlin
Tel.: 030/9167225